July 2019 Agenda

Baumber Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 3rd July 2019.

7.30pm Baumber Village Hall.


1. Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

2. Presentation: Cllr Mr S Brookes - LCC Broadband policy & local community schemes.

3. May 2019 Local Council Elections - Nomination & Cooption of additional member to BPC.

4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.

5. Notes of the last meeting held on 15th May 2019 to be approved as the Minutes.

6. Clerks report on matters outstanding:

a) Update Minute ref 14/19/05 Highway matters Baumber Church sign etc., b) Update Minute ref 15/19/05 Community Speedwatch Initiative. c) Update Minute ref 
16/19/05. Improved broadband links - LCC Broadband schemes.

7. Financial Matters.

a) Financial Statement @ 03/07/2019; Receipts & Payments due.

8. Update Community Vision - Parish Plan - Baumber Annual Community meeting 22nd May.

9. Condition & Maintenance of PRoW - Footpaths & Grass cutting.

10. Update Minute ref 21/19/05 LALC - Parish Councils Cluster Groups Questionnaire.

11. Planning Matters:

12. Correspondence. Received & sent.

13. AOB.

14. Date of Next Meeting.