July 2022 Agenda

Baumber Parish Council - Agenda.

Parish Clerk – Melvin Grosvenor  01507 578657.

You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Baumber Parish Council on Wednesday 20 July 2022 commencing 7.30pm at Baumber Village Hall.

In accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A the Public and press may attend the meeting. 

The recording at Council Meetings is permitted with the full knowledge of the Chairman of the meeting and must be conducted openly.

The agenda is set out below. 

Melvin Grosvenor   
Clerk to the Council   
Date of issue: 12 July 2022.
0722/27 Apologies for absence.

To receive apologies/reasons for absence.

0722/28 Declaration of Interest.

Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011

To record declarations of interest by any member of the council  in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

a.  To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below:

0722/29 Public Participation. 

A period of 30 minutes of public participation specifically in respect of Agenda item: 

0722/30 LAND ADJACENT SOTBY WOODS, STURTON ROAD, HATTON - after which the 1st part of the meeting will be declared open.  


Planning Permission - Installation of a temporary ground mounted 49.9MW solar farm with associated infrastructure, construction of vehicular accesses, CCTV cameras on 2.5m high poles a 15m high communications tower and security fencing to a maximum height of 2.2m. Application submitted for consideration & BPC consultation response.

Meeting adjourned for those who wish to leave to depart, after which the 2nd part of the meeting will be declared open.

0722/31 Minutes of Previous Meeting/s.

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting & Ordinary meeting following - held on 18 May 2022 to be approved and signed as a true record.

0722/32 Clerks report on matters outstanding:

Revised matter: A158 Leylandi trees in the vicinity of St Swithin's church entrance. A recent storm has felled 3 more trees, causing further damage to the roadside footpath. Clerk has reported to Director of LCC Highways & Cllr Bradwell for urgent repair and removal of debris comprising of large tree stumps, root balls and branches etc, as hazard to footpath users. Also raised concern re live street light within the row of trees.

Update: Works scheduled. Cllr Bradwell advised will chase due to ongoing hazard to  pedestrians. Awaiting progress.

Update ref: 28/20/10 Highway matters - Missing St Swithin's Church sign post. LCC Highways Manager has collected existing directional sign from clerk, installation of sign and post remain outstanding. Cllr Bradwell to also chase after assurances works would be undertaken. Awaiting progress.

Update ref: 29/20/10. Speeding Traffic - Camera Van continues to be in attendance and on Saturday's as requested. Clerk due to put up new 30MPH check speed signs - ongoing.

Concerns raised re 2 recent serious RTA's on A158 in vicinity of access turn into Stourton Estates and Walled Garden. Cllr Bradwell advised will raise concerns with highways and LRSP  to initiate potential traffic calming measures and awareness signage. Awaiting outcome.

Update ref: 30/20/10. Footpaths - Foot paths road side A158 outstanding - Clerk liaising with Cllr Bradwell re clearance of A158 road side footpath towards Stourton Lodge & footpath from the Thatched Cottage to Bullwinkles Garage. - Cllr Bradwell advised has this in hand. Confirmed works scheduled for September. 

Update ref: 21/21/05. 22/21/05 West Lane hedge removal & newly installed gate. ELDC enforcement progressing matter - no progress to report. Concerns raised re 60mph sign on bend.

Update ref: 71/22/03 Member raised concern - Footpath 92 from Water Tower reinstated after recent ploughing. Cllr Jones reported footpath is now overgrown and difficult to use. Cllr Harrison to chase.

Update ref: 0522/25 Footpath from Chapel Row reported to be overgrown. Cllr M Jones.

07/22/33 Financial Statement at 20/07/2022.



Amount £

Bank Statement Reconciliation Yr end 31/03/2022.

Balance B/F                                                                                                             £4674.02

ELDC Precept 2022/23



HMRC VAT refund 2021/22



Sub Total



Balance C/F                                            



ICO Data Protection Subscription 2022/23.

DR (D/D)


1st Stage Clerk Remuneration 2022/23.

DR (337)


LALC Annual Subscription 2022/23

DR (339)


LALC Website Maintenance Service 2022/23

DR (338)


Appreciation - Internal Audit. AGAR 2021/22 - Accounts.

DR (340)


BHIB Annual Insurance Renewal 2022/23

DR (341)


Sub Total



Balance B/F                                                                                                               7982.44

Balance C/F



ELDC Parish Grant Funding MH Jubilee - Picnic Bench



Bank Statement Reconciliation Balance C/F



Payments Invoices Due 20/07/2022.



Value Products - Jubilee Picnic Bench £630 + VAT 756.00



Glendale St Swithin's Churchyard cut  W/E 27-05-22.



Sub Total



Balance C/F



0722/33 Financial Statement - Continued. 

a) Value Products - HM The Queen Platinum Jubilee Picnic Bench - to be approved.

b) Glendale St Swithin's Churchyard cut  W/E 27-05-22 - to be approved.

Note: Clerk has chased Glendale to undertake village cuts and advised cut will take place week commencing 18 July 2022.

0722/34 Planning.

1. New application. S/011/01308/22 BAUMBER PARK, BARDNEY ROAD, BAUMBER.

Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation.  Existing garden room to be demolished.

Application submitted for consideration & BPC consultation response.

2. New application S/011/00963/22 MANOR FARM, LINCOLN ROAD, BAUMBER.

Planning Permission -  Change of use, conversion of and alterations to former cottages to provide 3no. holiday lets. Received 13th June 2022 - Consultation date: 4 July 2022. Clerk circulated details for Members to consider via emails & telephone.

Resolved: to not object to proposal - application based on information & documentation submitted.


Planning Permission - Erection of a house and detached garage, existing dwelling and garage on site to be demolished. Clerk submitted BPC consultation response -  for no objections. 

Note: Permission granted 23/06/2022.

4. Update ref: 20/21/05 Manor Farm Lincoln Road Baumber - Alleged 5 Contraventions of Development Consent. - Case update awaited from ELDC Development Control. 

5. Update ref: 33/21/10 Lakeside Fisheries S/011/01670/21 Lincoln Road, Baumber.

Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to the existing (derelict) building to provide a dwelling & S/011/02127/21 Listed Building Consent - Internal and external alterations to the existing building to provide a dwelling. Planning decision - consent refused.

Appeal submitted  - Chased ELDC for further information.

0722/35 Update ref: 0522/19 Un - adopted historical footpath West Lane - St Swithin's - kissing gate & access to Footpath 92 Adoption application in progress. Residents providing further witness statements to be included in the submission.

0722/36 Update:  0522/22  Cllr (3) Vacancies on Baumber PC. On going.

0722/37 Update: 0522/23 HM Queen Elizabeth Jubilee celebrations - Bank Holiday weekend. Successful event organised by Village Hall Committee & Baumber volunteers including Cllr J Fable - afternoon tea Sunday 5 June 22 approx 60 residents attended. Toast & speech Cllr M Harrison. ELDC's Queen's Jubilee Parish Council Grant received & picnic style table & benches arrived for event. Assembled by Cllr M Jones, Phil Turner & Geoff Stringer. Cllr G Roberts assisted unloading & overseen by Clerk.

0722/38  Correspondence.
0722/38  Minor Items.

0722/39  Date of Next Meeting/s 19 October 2022, 18 January 2023.