Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act the following information is available at no cost from the Clerk of Baumber Parish Council under the model publication scheme:

Baumber Parish Council looks after the interests of the villagers of Baumber ensuring the environment is cared for, municipal works are carried out accordingly, closely liaising with East Lindsey District Council at The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. LN9 6PH. Tel.01507 601111 and Lincolnshire County Council Highways.

Chairman: Mr M E Harrison of  Baumber Park, Bardney Road Baumber, LN9 5NE. Tel.07836 724286.
Vice-Chairman: Mr M Jones of Kraal Cottage, Lincoln Road Baumber, LN9 5ND. Tel.01507 578486.
Councillor  Ms Claire Smith of School House Lincoln Road Baumber, LN9 5ND. Tel. 01507 578399. 
Councillor Mrs Michelle Baverstock of Jalna Silver Street Baumber LN9 5NH. Tel. 07415 996334.
Councillor Ms Tracy Cuttell of Oaks House West Lane Baumber LN9 5NG. Tel. 07939 907900.
Councillor Dr Gary Wilbourn The Old Vicarage Lincoln Road Baumber LN9 5ND.
Note:  1 Cllr Vacancy following publication of Notice of Cllr J Fable resignation.
Contact Clerk for details if you are interested in being Co-optioned on to Baumber Parish Council.

Clerk: Mr M Grosvenor, Four Seasons, Bardney Rd, Baumber, Horncastle, LN9 5NE. Tel. 01507 578657.

The Councillors listed  represent Baumber Parish Council on a voluntary basis. 

All Councillors adhere to the Code of Conduct and have signed the Register of Members' Interests.

The Clerk is employed on a part time basis by Baumber Parish Council and is remunerated on the annually reviewed Local Government employee pay scales set by The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC).   The current pay scale applied is SCP 16 at a pro rata hourly rate. 
The Clerk is registered with HMRC as an employee of Baumber Parish Council.  

All correspondence, banking details and transactions, accounts audited by PKF Littlejohn LLP 1 Westerly Circus Canary Warf  London E14 4HD Tel no 0207 7516 2400, and the Register of Electors are held by the Clerk and are available for inspection free of charge by appointment with the Clerk; (at the Village Hall).
The Precept for the Financial year commencing 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026  is held at £3267.60.  
Note: The Precept for financial year 2024/25 was increased from £3112.00 to £3267.60. Precept held for 2025/26.

Baumber Parish Council meets 5 times a year. The meetings are convened during  the 3rd week of January, March, May, July & October. Meetings held on Wednesday's commencing 7.30pm. Additional meetings as required. 

Information regarding these open meetings, including Minutes and Agenda's, are posted on the Notice Board by the Bus Stop on Lincoln Road and published on line @

Community areas within the parish include: the Churchyard, bus shelter (by school) and Village Hall. The Parish Council meets in the Village Hall and a hourly rate fee is paid to the Village Hall Committee & invoiced annually.

Any further information, or details thereof, which are of interest to Baumber parishioners can be arranged by the Clerk  to be viewed at Baumber Village Hall, by prior appointment. 

Issued by the Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer: Mr M R Grosvenor.                       Date: 21 February 2025.

Contact email:
Contact Tel no: 01507 578657