July 2020 Minutes

Baumber Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 @ 7.30pm Baumber Village Hall (Covid -19 Secure). Gov. UK Covid -19 regulations for meetings held in community venues & social distancing safeguard measures were adhered to at all times.

Meeting was primarily convened to review, agree and sign Year end 31/03/2020 Annual Audit and Accounting Returns.


Those present: Mrs J Fable (Chairman) Vice Chairman M Jones, Cllr R Espley, M Harrison G Roberts & Clerk M Grosvenor.

01/20/07. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 - no disclosures.

02/20/07. Update ref: 81/20/03. Coronavirus Update re cancelled Baumber Annual PC May 2020 & Annual Community Meeting update. Chairman & Vice Chairman remain in post & Chairman's annual review carried forward to May 2021. Clerk has been liaising with Chairman and Members remotely since lockdown commenced. Clerk has been liaising with the Baumber's Covid -19 Volunteer Support Group registered with Lincolnshire Resilience Forum.

03/20/07 Clerk update BPC Cllr Vacancies. Notice Published - Elections Officer confirmation 4th May 2020 - the 2 Cllr vacancies can be now be filled by co-opting new members.

04/20/07. Minutes of last (Postponed) Meeting due to be held on Wednesday 18th March 2020, reviewed agreed and then signed by Chairman as a true record of the Minutes.

Clerks report on matters outstanding:

05/20/07. Update ref: 67/20/03.Flooding on Silver St: Clerk has been liaising with Cllr P Bradwell (PB) on outcome of works undertaken by LCC and improved signage on the approach to Low Baumber - Silver St. Members reported there had been minor flow of water on to the road - to be kept under observation, along with mud on the footpath which reportedly still requires cleaning.

06/20/07 Update ref: 68/20/03. Highway matters - Leylandii trees etc: Concerns re the outstanding work to restore the footpath adjacent to the 3 storm felled trees - Clerk to continue to liaise with PB.

07/20/07. Update ref: 69/20/03. CSWI -Traffic survey outcome. Camera van now regularly deployed. Clerk & PB discussed possible provision of outcome statistics - number of speeding vehicles etc., Clerk & PB also following up on flashing speeding warning lights, plus traffic calming countdown markers. Meeting resolved - 30mph signs do need re siting on approach from Wragby

08/20/07. Update ref:70/20/03. Footpaths. Awaiting update from PB.

09/20/07 Update ref: 71/20/03. Baumber School. Clerk has been liaising with Cllr Bradwell - & awaiting further update on potential use. Cllr Jones advised that the grass needs cutting again.

10/20/07. Update ref: 72/20/03 Condition of Bus Shelter. Clerk has established it appears the shelter is the responsibility of BPC & has raised a query with Cllr Bradwell - awaiting an update. Repairs to be undertaken when conditions permit.

Financial Matters & Financial Statement.

11/20/07 Financial Report Annual Accounts & Audit Yr End 31/03/2020.

All members were provided with a copy of the Summary of Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 31st March 2020. The summary confirms that there was an increase in the surplus from the previous year's accounts, leaving a healthy balance of £2,545.10 at the beginning of the new financial year, 01-04-2020/21. Annual Audit & Returns have been finalised & Internally Audited by Mrs Frances Espley, for which she was thanked.

12/20/07. The Smaller Authorities Certificate of Exemption was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

13/20/07 Section 1 of the Audit is the Annual Governance stating all procedures were carried out correctly and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk and minuted & referenced 13/20/07.

14/20/07 Section 2 of the Audit is the Annual Statement of Accounts as per the Summary of Receipts and Payments Account, and this was also signed by the Chairman and Clerk and minuted & reference 14/20/07. To be sent to PKF Littlejohn LLP along with all relevant paperwork by the revised deadline 31/07/2020. Period of Public Rights Commences Tuesday 1st September - Monday 12th October 2020.

15/20/07. Current Financial Statement was circulated to Members.

Bank Statement reconciliation 29-06-2020.

Balance B/F Yr End 31/03/2020. £2545.10

15/04/2020 Precept 2020/21 CR £3112.00

07/05/2020 VAT Refund Yr End 31-03/2020 CR £ 214.31

Sub Total BPC Funding 2020/21 £ 5871.41

Payments made: 1st Stage 2020/21 Clerk remuneration, IOC Registration Renewal,

BHIB Annual Insurance renewal, Glendale May 2020 Village Grass Cut. DR £ 1310.74

Sub Total £ 4560.67

LCC COVID -19 Community Support Funding. CR £ 200.00

Balance B/F £ 4760.67

Payments due:

Running Imp Ltd COVID - 19 Signs & Sanitiser (Village Hall) DR £ 39.47

Glendale June Village & St Swithins Grass Cut DR £ 347.36

Balance C/F £ 4373.54


16/20/07. Update ref 77/20/03. Red Lion demolition completed. Awaiting commencement of 2nd Archaeological dig. No further updates due to Covid-19 restrictions.

17/20/07 77/20/03. Eastfield Farm Caravan Park Application ref: S/122/00354/20. Re-submitted application to provide an additional access into caravan park site & existing fishery. Clerk submitted BPC's consultation response 20th March in support of the application, in view of revised access details.

20/04/2020 ELDC refused application despite improved access on grounds:

"The site is not in close proximity to a town, large or medium village and would not have safe access to such with vehicles and pedestrians being segregated. The proposal would not be accessible to key facilities given its isolated location and does not give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements. It is evident that the proposal would place a high reliance on the use of the car for users of the holiday accommodation".

Members considered refusal was flawed - await details & notification of potential appeal by applicants.

18/20/07 Manor Farm. Planning Application S/011/00732/20. - Erection of a detached house. Location: Manor Farm, Lincoln Road, Baumber, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5NT received 11/05/2020. Clerk sought clarification on use of existing building - no mention of the change of use of existing building - revised details received 05/06/2020. Erection of replacement detached house & change of use of the former dwelling to form a farm office.

Details forwarded to members - support confirmed & consultee response submitted - 25th June 2020.

Baumber Parish Council have considered the above application, along with confirmation received on the 5th June 2020 advising the application is for a replacement dwelling, and that the use of the existing dwelling will be changed to a farm office. We also note, (advised by email on 10th June 2020) that since the proposed office will use the existing building, no additional plans to those already submitted are considered necessary, and that the applicant is likely to remove some of the unattractive additions which have been added to the old house over the years some of which are now in poor condition, but this will not require additional planning consent.

In the light of this further information, Baumber Parish Council wish to register Support for this application.

Full Planning Permission Granted. 30/06/2020.

19/20/07. Manor Farm. Planning Application S/011/00788/20. Change of use of part of existing farm workshop to form shop selling farming machinery and parts. Received 19th May 2020. Full details circulated to members including access photos. Members remotely considered the application and confirmed Support with minor observations. Submitted response 10-06-2020: BPC considered the above application via email & remote discussion between 1st - 4th June 2020.

The Parish Council wish to register Support for the application, along with the following observations. Possible upgrading of access splay - entrance is located on a particularly fast moving stretch of highway which forms part of the proposed Coastal Highways route & long single access track to the site buildings & new shop. Some concerns as the site is located in open and intact countryside, this should not develop into an industrial complex for the storage and use of any plant or vehicles', which are not specially for agricultural or farming use. Baumber Parish Council broadly supports our local businesses, provided that these are sustainable and are granted full planning consent.

Full Planning Permission Granted 08/07/2020 - condition 3. The area of the change of use and storage/sale of machinery and parts hereby permitted shall be limited to that indicated by cross hatching on approved drawing no. PL-SP-100 received by the Local Planning Authority on 12th May 2020.

20/20/07 Update ref: 78/20/03. BPC new website. Clerk's postponed training session of 15th April - reconvened to online session on 30th July. Current website will continue to function until new site has been configured & all relevant data uploaded by Clerk.

21/20/07 Update ref: 80/20/03.Great British Spring Clean campaign - Relaunch date : Great British September Clean: 11th-27th September 2020.

To ensure that the campaign complies with the current Government guidance in relation to Covid-19, the campaign has been amended slightly to ensure the health and safety of all participants and supporting staff.

BPC will be able to organise a private event for up to five people, in line with social distancing guidelines (subject to change in line with Government guidance on the maximum number of people who can meet in a public space). There will be no option to host or join a public event.

Clerk will liaise with ELDC to obtain our allocation of litter picker tools, rubbish bags and bag rings & Clerk will arrange for ELDC to collect the litter bags from an agreed kerbside location when they are full. Members resolved to be actively involved.

Correspondence. None to report of note.


22/20/07 The issue of the removal of a section of mixed hedgerow on West Lane along the boundary of a field adjacent to the Village Hall was discussed - Concerns were raised with Cllr Roberts. Cllr Harrison to make further enquiries

23/20/07. Chairman proposed Members should show their appreciation to the Clerk for maintaining all of BPC business and extra work undertaken during the Covid 19 lock down. Unanimously agreed to clap for the Clerk. Gratefully received.

Date of Next Meeting.

The date of the next Meeting, was set at Wednesday 21st October 2020 @ 7.30pm Baumber Village Hall.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.00 pm.