May 2024 Agenda
Baumber Parish Council - Agenda of Ordinary Meeting.
Parish Clerk – Melvin Grosvenor 01507 578657.
Agenda of Baumber Parish Council Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 22 May 2024 commencing 7.30pm at Baumber Village Hall.
In accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A the Public and press may attend the meeting.
The recording at Council Meetings is permitted with the full knowledge of the Chairman of the meeting and must be conducted openly.
The agenda is set out below.
Melvin Grosvenor
Clerk to the Council
Date of issue: 15 May 2024.
0524/11 Apologies for absence.
To Receive any apologies - reasons for absence.
0524/12 Public Participation.
To resolve if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no longer than 15 minutes to allow for public participation. Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared open.
0524/13 Declaration of Interest.
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
a. To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below:
0524/14 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Minutes Ordinary meeting held on 20 March 2024 to be approved and signed as a true record.
0524/15 Clerks report on matters outstanding:
Update ref: 0324/66. Speeding and RTA's concerns raised by Silver St residents, Update: Clerk emailed concerns on 10 July 2023 to LRSP, Highways & Lincolnshire Police & Cllr Bradwell who liaised with Horncastle Neighbourhood Police for increased speed monitoring on Silver Street. LRSP undertook traffic survey 27 July to 2 August 23. Survey Outcome: 'Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles was 39.6 mph in a 60 mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police'. Clerk provided details of survey for consideration. Clerk then raised ongoing concerns as survey indicates speed limit is set to high and although a small percentage of vehicles were exceeding the 60mph limit this demonstrates a complete disregard for the safety of other road users and residents along the narrow stretch of Silver Street after passing through blind bends. This concern was raised by Clerk at the Police & Crime Commissioners online Parish Council's liaison meeting 5 December 2023. Clerk has responded to email from Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Policing & included invitation to attend 17 January 2024 meeting in addition to Cllr Bradwell's invitation. Email from Lincs Police 16 Jan 24, advising of non attendance and reiterating traffic survey outcome with no further proposed action. Cllr Bradwell followed up on invitation for meeting 22 May 2024, but representative still unavailable to attend.
Ref 0324/66 Update.. Cllr M Baverstock highlighted publication of LCC Planning and Regulation Committee Meeting held 8 Jan 2024, which approved speed limit reduction from 50mph to 40mph between Coningsby & Dogdyke, despite no recorded accidents over the last 5 years. The reduction was supported by a traffic survey identifying the road as a 'borderline case', as the average speed was 46mph. Members presented Cllr Bradwell with this significant & relevant information. Resolved: that representation is made on behalf of BPC and Silver St residents to LCC; that there is a strong case for a speed limit reduction on Silver St from 60mph to 40mph, given average Silver St survey speed was 39.9mph considerably lower than 46mph survey speed in a 50mph limit, which was reduced and approved at 40mph. Clerk has chased.
Report & Update from Cllr P Bradwell - no progress reported which is concerning in the light of the concerns raised during the Public Participation - Clerk to continue to liaise with Highways & to request road sweeping by ELDC & liaise with Cllr W Gray. Clerk raised issue with Cllr Gray at Horncastle Saturday market. See update below for further information.
Update: 0324/63. Public Participation item a) Resident of Silver St Baumber - B1225 raised significant concerns regarding speeding traffic causing noise and threats to resident's safety, whilst walking and accessing their properties on the narrow footpath, which is only wide enough for one person.
This narrow footpath is in a poor condition and is caked in mud and debris from the spray of water and muck from fast moving traffic, which has built up over a long period and exacerbated by the repeated flooding of part of Silver St. The spray is also splattering over the walls, front doors and windows of those properties with no front gardens and directly adjacent to the road surface, significantly impacting on the residential amenity of these Baumber residents. resident has submitted a letter of complaint to BPC. Cllr P Bradwell/Clerk arranged Silver St walk over site meeting with Richard Fenwick (RF) Head of Highways Asset and Local Management Services & Cllr M Baverstock on 26 April 2024, to review condition of footpath and speeding policy which was discussed at length. Also to approve proposed location for new traffic calming signs. RF. - Agreed to arranging cleaning of gullies and footpath and initiate works to improve condition of footpath which was agreed to be essential.
Whilst on site visit, RF agreed northern location of proposed 'Welcome to Baumber Please drive carefully' signs. Clerk & Cllr M Jones conducted further site visit, to finalise location of signs on both northern and southern approaches of Silver Street on 9 May. Clerk submitted preliminary application to Highways 10 May 2024.
Clerk & Cllr M Baverstock also discussed current speed limit policy with R Fenwick who advised this is under review and appeared to be in support of BPC's case. We stressed the urgency of the need to support our residents with a reduction of speed limit to 40mph.
Update: Clerk has checked with sign provider and received an quotation which shows a slight increase in cost.
Update: Clerk & Cllr M Jones have installed the 10 replacement Check your speed signs on A158. (Note: The white Baumber entry gateways are extremely dirty and in need of cleaning). Members agreed working party should be arranged. Update: RTA has damaged a village Gateway (which has been temporarily repaired) & lit 30mph sign on entrance to Baumber from Horncastle. Clerk has chased outstanding works. Clerk has reported storm damaged sign on Silver St. Still awaiting works to be undertaken.
January 2024 Storm has felled further Leylandi trees on A158 & caused road site footpath to be impassable. Clerk has reported damage and chased All of the remaining trees need either felling or topping. Still awaiting works.
Update ref: 1022/50 - B1225/A158 junction permanent street lights switch off - LCC Highways confirmed existing A158 redundant lights (29-43) to be removed, but in order to disconnect the electrical supply to these street lights it would also necessitate the switching off and removal of the street lights at the A158/B1225 Junction which are on the same cable system. Cllr's W Gray & P Bradwell, Mere Balk Lane residents & Clerk raised concerns, that switching off lights at junction could increase risks of RTA's and requested improved reflective warning signs and traffic calming measures. Highways to provide proposed improvements prior to any switch off for consideration. Clerk has requested an update, as concerns raised that street lighting should continue on this junction.
0524/17 Financial Statement at 22/05/2024.
Description |
DR/CR/Ref |
Amount £ |
Bank Reconciliation Balance B/F 31 March 2024 |
5120.75 | |
Receipt April 2024 |
ELDC Precept 2024/25 |
CR |
3267.60 |
Balance B/F |
5120.75 |
Total |
8388.35 |
Invoices/Payments due 22 May 2024 |
LALC Annual Subscription 2024/25 |
DR |
82.86 |
LALC Annual training Scheme 2024/25 |
DR |
120.00 |
Clerk 1st Stage Remuneration 2024/25 |
DR |
1255.00 |
BHIB (Clear Councils) 2024/25 Insurance premium |
DR |
206.33 |
LALC Website Maintenance Support (5 hours) 2024/25 |
DR |
108.00 |
Internal Audit Support AGAR - Accounts 2023/24 |
DR |
45.00 |
ICO 2024/25 Annual Registration due17/05/2024 |
DD |
35.00 |
Sub Total |
DR |
1852.19 |
Balance B/F |
Total |
8388.35 |
Balance C/F |
6536.16 |
Note: Balance Includes Cllr W Gray Funding Silver Street signs |
850.00 |
Total |
5686.16 |
0524/17 Financial Statement cont/..
a) Invoices/payments due for approval.
b) ELDC Precept 2024/25 credited to account.
c) Clerk reviewed BHIB (Clear Councils) 2024/25 Annual Insurance premium increase & advised insurer of Purchase & Installation of Defibrillator. Insurer confirmed 'Defib will be covered under the street furniture section of the policy'.
d) Clerk sent confirmation of acceptance of Glendale Grass Cutting Tender 2024 & chased grass cuts due April/May & 1st Churchyard cut.
e) Clerk liaised with LALC regarding review of Website Maintenance Support hours required for 2024/25.
f) Clerk successfully liaised with Internal Auditor ref: 2023/24 Page 4 AGAR & Financial Statements for submission to External Auditor. Note: 'BPC has been selected for intermediate review for the 2023/24 reporting year as part of the required 5% sample of those who would otherwise be subject to a basic review.'
g) Ref Agenda Item 0324/63 Revised New signs quotation dated 10/5/2024 confirmed at £658.00 Nett of VAT.
0524/18 Planning.
New Items: Circulated by email to Members for BPC consultation responses.
1. S/011/00480/24. LAND AT THE PADDOCKS, WEST LANE, BAUMBER. Planning Permission - Erection of 1no. bungalow with attached garage. Clerk submitted consultation response 18 April 2024 - The Parish Council wish to register No Objections for this application.
Members have carefully considered the plans and information provided by the applicant and have also noted comments/concerns submitted by a neighbouring property, and request that these are duly considered when determining this proposal.
2. S/011/00612/24. TOP YARD FARM, TOP YARD, BAUMBER. Planning Permission - Change of use of and alterations to existing agricultural offices to create staff accommodation. Clerk submitted consultation response 13 May 2024 - The Parish Council wish to register No Objections for this application. Members have carefully considered the plans and information provided by the applicant and have also raised the following comment.
My comment is that permission should include a requirement that residence is linked/restricted to agricultural use/connection. This should not cause an issue as, from the wording of the supporting document, is expected by the proposer. Baumber Parish Council concur with this proposal, that a suitably worded development consent condition is applied, should planning be approved.
3. Update ref: 0323/72 - S/079/01078/22 LAND ADJACENT SOTBY WOODS HATTON. Planning Permission - Installation of a temporary ground mounted 49.9MW solar farm with associated infrastructure, construction of vehicular accesses, CCTV cameras on 4m high poles a 15m high communications tower and security fencing to a maximum height of 2.2m.
Update: Following the letter received from the office of Secretary of State dated 28 September 2023 - on 27 October 2023 ELDC granted Full Planning Permission.
Update: The Development Consent has been quashed following a Judicial Review (JR) on the grounds that the 'Consent Decision was unlawful, as it failed to have sufficient regards to the material considerations in relation to the policy of the development of solar farms on Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land'. The JR challenge against ELDC Consent was initiated and funded by the Hatton resident's group. The application is now subject to further consultation and consideration, in respect of the applicants Site Search Document reference 5546097.
Members Consideration of the applicant's recent submission. Members unanimously Resolved: to continue to object to the proposal and were not persuaded that the applicant's recent site search submission has in this case, adequately justified the use of BMV land. Concerns were also raised regarding the proposed one way construction traffic management system, which will direct all of the traffic movement including HGV's through Gt Sturton onto the Caistor High road (B1225) through Silver Street and on to the A158 through Baumber. Especially given the ongoing concerns regarding adverse traffic impacts on Silver St residents. Clerk submitted BPC's Consultation response by email 26 March 2024. Awaiting update on committee meeting date and any further consultations.
4. Update ref: 20/21/05 Manor Farm Lincoln Road Baumber - Alleged 5 Contraventions of Development Consent. - Case update still awaited from ELDC Development Control.
0524/19 Update ref: 0324/70 Un - adopted historical footpath West Lane - St Swithin's - kissing gate & access to Footpath 92 Adoption application in progress. Residents providing further witness statements to be included in the submission. Clerk proceeding.
Further comment received from Andrew Roberts. Clerk has written and chased resident re further information. In hand. Recent discussion with one of land owners who offered kind support.
0524/20 Correspondence.
0524/21 Minor Items.
0524/22 Date of Next Meeting/s: Ordinary Meeting 17 July 2024, 23 October 2024. All Parish Council meetings commence at 7.30pm at Baumber Village Hall.
Annual Baumber Community Meeting Wednesday 11 September 2024 - Commencement time TBA.
Close meeting.