March 2025 Agenda

Baumber Parish Council - Agenda of Meeting.
Parish Clerk – Melvin Grosvenor  01507 578657.
Agenda of Baumber Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 19 March 2025 commencing at 7.30 pm at Baumber Village Hall.
In accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A the Public and press may attend the meeting. 
The recording at Council Meetings is permitted with the full knowledge of the Chairman of the meeting and must be conducted openly. 
The agenda is set out below. 
Melvin Grosvenor   
Clerk to the Council   
Date of issue: 11 March 2025.
0325/59 Apologies for absence.
To receive apologies for absence.
0325/60 Public Participation.
To resolve if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no longer than 15 minutes to allow for public participation. Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared open. 
0325/61 Declaration of Interest.
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council  in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
a. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b. To note any dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
0325/62 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Minutes of Ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 29 January 2025  to be approved and signed as a true record.
0325/63 Clerks report on matters outstanding:
Ref 0324/66 Update: b) Speed Limit reduction:  Update: 28-01-2025. Confirmation No objections received - LCC Highways currently in the process of arranging the installation of the new speed limit signs on West Lane (30mph) and B1225 - Silver St (40mph). Update:
04/02/2025:  'Highways team have surveyed the area alongside the new TRO plans and can arrange the following when the new speed limits signage is installed:
The Village Name Plate and the Wolds sign will be moved together to make a gateway effect at the south end of the village.  This will minimise the number of posts here and neaten the area. The other new Village Name Plate will be moved to the north end and put with the new speed limit signs. These works do take some time, so we expect these to be completed within the first half of the year'.
Update: 0724/27 - 0524/15 - 0324/63. Public Participation item a) Resident of Silver St Baumber - B1225 raised significant concerns regarding speeding traffic causing noise and threats to resident's safety, whilst walking and accessing their properties on the narrow footpath, which is only wide enough for one person.
This narrow footpath is in a poor condition and is caked in mud and debris from the spray of water and muck from fast moving traffic, which has built up over a long period and exacerbated by the repeated flooding of part of Silver St.  The spray is also splattering over the walls, front doors and windows  of those properties with no front gardens and directly adjacent to the road surface, significantly impacting on the residential amenity of these Baumber residents. resident has submitted a letter of complaint to BPC. Cllr P Bradwell/Clerk arranged Silver St walk over site meeting with Richard Fenwick (RF) Head of Highways Asset and Local Management Services & Cllr M Baverstock on 26 April 2024, to review condition of footpath and speeding policy which was discussed at length. Also to approve proposed location for new traffic calming signs. RF. - Agreed to arranging cleaning of gullies and footpath and initiate works to improve condition of footpath which was agreed to be essential. Further update to May 2024 meeting and Silver St resident  condition of the pull in, muddy footpath & works required at the dyke-drain prone to flooding during period of heavy rain. Also requested Cllr W Gray to arrange for a ELDC road sweeper to clean the excess mud from road side & blocked gullies - completed. Works undertaken on 05/07/2024 to clear dyke-drain and provide run off from roadside to help prevent flooding.
Update: Although Footpath works remain outstanding  (LCC Highways) Cllr W Gray during the summer again arranged for a road sweeper to clean Silver St road side and gullies.
Update: 23 October 2024. Cllr Bradwell advised meeting that the works are in hand but there appears to be an issue with the limited width of the footpath which is not compliant with current Highways regulations. Cllr Bradwell will continue to liaise with Highways senior management for a satisfactory resolution. - Jan 2025 Cllr MJ & Clerk Observations.LCC Highways have undertaken repair patching of small areas of footpath in front of the row of houses adjacent to the road surface.
Update ref: 0524/15 -1022/50 B1225/A158 junction permanent street lights switch off. LCC Highways confirmed existing A158 redundant lights (29-43) to be removed, Clerk received the following response 28/05/2024: 
'Your ongoing concerns about the impact of switching off the lights at the junction are noted. As previously indicated, this is necessary to allow for the removal of the lights already switched off in the vicinity as a part of the Street Lighting Transformation project in 2016/17, as they are all on the same cable system.
As a result of a swift response from LRSP, with no concerns being raised by them, and in order to make the change during the shorter nights, we have this morning been informed that the lights in question were in fact switched off last week on Thursday 23 May 2024. We can assure you that we will now be monitoring the impact of this using information from LRSP and no permanent removal of any of the columns will take place for at least twelve months. Matter for review May/June 2025.
0325/64 Financial Statement at 19/03/2025.



Amount  £

Bank Reconciliation 27/12/2024                                                                      7649.76

Note: Balance Includes Cllr W Gray Funding Traffic Calming signs                           850.00

Invoices/payments 29/01/2025.



Residual balance LIVES Invoice (VAT)

DR 384


Glendale Village Cut Nov 2024

DR 385


Clerk 2nd Stage remuneration 2024/25

DR 386


Baumber Village Hall hire 2024/25

DR 387


Clerk Office expenses Nov/Dec 24 Jan/Feb/March 2025

DR 388


Litter Picking Boots Cllr MJ receipt

DR 389


Sub Total



Balance B/F



Balance C/F



VAT Refund claim 2024/25.



Balance C/F



Invoice West Lane & Baumber Village hall hedgerow cut.

DR 390


Reserves Year end 31/03/2025                                Total



April 2025 Precept 2025/26. No increase held at 2024/25.



LCC Highways 2025 Grass Cutting Contribution.



Receipts  2025/26                                               Sub Total                                  



Reserves B/F



Funding 2025/26.






0325/64 Financial Statement cont/..
a) No outstanding invoices Financial Year 2024/25. Invoice for West Lane - Baumber Village Hall Hedgerow cutting paid. VAT reclaim to be submitted 2025/26 Financial year.
b) Clerk submitted Precept Form 2025/26 Held at £3267.60.
c) Clerk has receive tender from Glendale for 2025 Grass cutting which is higher than new contractor. Clerk to liaise with new contractor regarding timely schedule, 1st cut agreed to be undertaken during 1st 2 weeks of April. May 2025 - St Swithin's churchyard cut to be arranged.
d) Outstanding matter of coppicing trees within St Swithins churchyard  - Chairman M Harrison advised previous meeting that this matter needs to be referred to St Swithin's PPC for consideration, approval or referral to the C of E Lincoln diocese.
e) Updated Bank Mandate submitted & approved.
f) Notification by Bank - Monthly Bank Charges to be applied to account from 13 May 2025 at £4.25pm.
 0325/65 Planning.
1. Update ref: 0524/18 - S/079/01078/22 LAND ADJACENT SOTBY WOODS HATTON. Planning Permission - Installation of a temporary ground mounted 49.9MW solar farm with associated infrastructure, construction of vehicular accesses, CCTV cameras on 4m high poles a 15m high communications tower and security fencing to a maximum height of 2.2m. Update: Planning committee convened on 04/10/2024 - Officer's recommendation to approve - Majority Committee decision to refuse on the grounds of landscape impacts & Setting of Grade 2 listed Corner Farm and historic agricultural barn with conversion consent for recreational/holiday accommodation. Update. Decision letter published 31/10/2024. Refused consent. 
 2. Update ref: 20/21/05 Manor Farm Lincoln Road Baumber - Alleged 5 Contraventions of Development Consent. - Case update still awaited from ELDC Development Control. Members considered concerns raised regarding the felling of the line of approximately 20 trees lining the internal access to Manor Farm. 
0325/66 ref: 0125/49 & 55 Un - adopted historical footpath West Lane - St Swithin's - kissing gate & access to Footpath 92 Adoption application in progress. Evidence provided by Andrew Roberts. Recent discussion with one of land owners who offered kind support. Update: 10/10/24 Clerk posted to the 2 involved landowners Service of Notice of  Application for Modification Order - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Definitive Map Modification Order with covering letter requesting support for application. 23/10/2024 Clerk has submitted all completed forms and resident's evidence to the Definitive Map Officer LCC. Update: Ref Agenda Item 0125/49 Public Participation. b) Representation by Resident & landowner of Baumber House and adjacent land in respect of agenda item 0125/55 - ref: 1024/44 Un - adopted historical footpath West Lane - St Swithin's - kissing gate & access to Footpath 92 Adoption application in progress. Reported damage and removal of replacement fencing by person/s unknown and withdrawal of support for footpath adoption application. Clerk provided Members of details of previous site meeting with landowner suggesting reinstatement of the fencing and retaining continued access to footpath with potential financial support provided by Baumber PC. Members reiterated willingness to provide financial support for reinstatement of damaged fence and provision of approved kissing gate, to maintain a positive working relationship between BPC and the landowner, whilst the application for the adoption of the footpath is in progress to facilitate the continuation of this valued historical local and public amenity. Landowner to provide written feedback in due course. Update: TBA.
0325/67 Ref Minor Item 0125/57 Concerns were raised regarding the overgrown hedgerow bordering on West Lane, which requires trimming before the spring bird  nesting season by end of February. Given the relatively short window available, on this occasion; Members Resolved: that the Clerk would liaise with MB & TC and recommended  local contractor's to undertake the hedge trimming of West Lane and Baumber Village Hall car park. Works completed.
0325/68 Correspondence.
0325/69 Minor Items.
0325/70 Date of Next Meeting/s: Wednesday 23 April Annual Baumber Community   Meeting commencing at 7.00pm.
21 May 2025 Annual Baumber Parish Council Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting.              Ordinary Parish Council Meetings; 23 July 2025, 22 October 2025. All Parish Council meetings commence at 7.30pm at Baumber Village Hall. 
Meeting to be closed.